1. Introduction to DP
2. Basic Principles of DP
3. Elements of a DP System
4. Position Reference Systems and Equipment
5. DP Operations
6. DP Vessel Operations
7. Information for key DP personnel
8.1 – The Training and Experience of Key DP Personnel
IMCA’s document “The Training and Experience of Key DP Personnel”17 has been referenced by IMO, which, in 1996, considered the issue of training of dynamic position system (DP) operators in relation to paragraph 4.12 of the 1989 MODU Code and noted that this IMCA document could be used as a guideline for the training of DP operators, encouraging member governments to bring them to the attention of bodies concerned and apply them to the training of key DP personnel.
This document represents the recognized and agreed industry standard for the training, competence and experience required of all key DP personnel on dynamically positioned vessels.
Designed as an expansion of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) document on the same subject, it is designed for vessels engaged in operations where loss of position could cause one or more of the following: severe pollution, loss of life, major damage and economic loss.
The formal training courses to be attended by DP operators are defined in content, verification and approval. The practical experience required and the certification is also defined. Training for Electrical Technical Officers (ETOs), Electronic Radio Operators (EROs) and engineers is specified. The training can be performed either at an approved institution or onboard a vessel, provided the training is equivalent.
In addition, guidance is given on a structured familiarization procedure for key DP personnel joining a DP vessel or commencing a new project.
The principles and practice for refresher training are provided as are the requirements for operators wishing to submit experience in lieu of formal training.
In general, formal training is to be assessed and all training is to be approved, so that a common standard can be achieved internationally.
8.2 – The Nautical Institute Training Scheme for DP Operators
Within the provisions of document IMCA M 117 referred to above, DP operator training and certification is internationally administered by the Nautical Institute, in London. The Nautical Institute is a recognised professional body with an international remit. Their main objective is the raising and maintenance of high standards of professionalism within commercial and other shipping. Part of this objective addresses the business of certification of DP Operators through a specified and regulated training programme.
This programme is intended to apply to bridge watchkeepers already qualified by means of a certificate of competency as a deck officer. The training programme is a five phase one, as follows:
1. Completion of a DP Induction Course. This is a shore-based course using DP simulation training equipment. Duration four to five days, with a course certificate issued on completion;
2. Seagoing familiarisation of a minimum of one month. The trainee DPO spends a month understudying a qualified DPO in a vessel engaged in DP operations;
3. Completion of a DP Simulator Course. Advanced shore-based training using a variety of scenarios built around the simulator. Again, four to five days with a course certificate issued on completion;
4. Completion of six months’ supervised DP watchkeeping in Class 2 or 3 DP vessels, or longer on Class 1 vessels and at least two months on Class 2 or 3 vessels;
5. Assessment of the abilities of the candidate by the Master of the vessel, then documentation forwarded to the Nautical Institute in London for the issue of the DPO certificate.
A limited DP certificate is available under the Nautical Institute scheme wherein the fourth stage includes six months’ DP experience on Class 1 DP vessels with a statement of suitability from the Master.
All of the five phases above are witnessed and recorded by entries in a DP Logbook, held by the trainee. All entries to be validated by the Master. The Nautical Institute logbook, scheme and certificate are internationally accepted. The Norwegians have a similar scheme, with similar logbooks and certification. Both schemes and certificates have equal standing in the international world of shipping.
The courses detailed above are approved by the Nautical Institute. In order to obtain such approval any training centre must apply to the Nautical Institute for validation of its scheme. The training centre will then be visited by the Nautical Institute’s DP Validating Committee, which will inspect every aspect of the proposed training. Re-validation of the training centre will be required every three years.
The scheme outlined above is intended for bridge DP watchkeepers. These consist primarily of officers qualified in the traditional deck department, i.e. Mates and Masters.
8.3 – On-Board Training
The formal training scheme outlined above includes two periods of experience gained on board the vessel.
It is possible to devise and run formal DP induction and simulator courses aboard ship. This pattern of training falls within the Nautical Institute recommended scheme, provided that the shipboard training programme has been properly devised and written, is conducted in a suitable systematic manner, and that the person or persons conducting the training are sufficiently qualified and experienced for the task. All being well, the Nautical Institute will approve the scheme, allowing the operator to issue certification equivalent to a shore-based college relating to phases 1 and 3 of the Nautical Institute scheme.
8.4 – Technical Training
All the remarks made so far relate to the bridge watchkeepers. A vital function lies in the hands of the ETO or ERO (Electrical Technician, or Electronics and Radio Officer). If the DP system malfunctions or fails in any way, then the vessel is liable to immediate downtime penalties. The carriage on board of a technician skilled in the techniques of system diagnosis and repair may save the owners the considerable costs of downtime.
Technical training is also available from or supported by equipment manufacturers.
8.5 – IMCA Training Guidelines
As referred to above, IMCA has produced an in-depth study entitled “The Training and Experience of Key DP Personnel”17. Published in 1996, this document has been referenced as an industry standard by IMO. It addresses the training required for not only watchkeeping DPOs, but also Masters, Chief and Watchkeeping Engineers, Offshore Installation Managers (OIMs) and ETOs or EROs.
The primary and secondary objectives identified in this guideline include:
To improve the safety of DP operations by defining minimum standards for
• the formal training of key DP personnel
• maintaining continuity of vessel experienced personnel on board a DP vessel
• the familiarisation programme for key DP personnel new to a vessel
The primary objectives should assist in achieving the following secondary objectives:
• An internationally accepted standard for the training
• Training resources are spent where they are most effective
On board training, familiarisation programmes and simulators are encouraged.
As may be seen from the above, this guideline reinforces and internationalises the objectives set by the Nautical Institute in 1983. Indeed, the Nautical Institute is referenced by IMCA as the validating body responsible for training and certification of DPOs. The IMCA document goes further, however, in detailing levels of competence and forms of training for key personnel other than the DPOs, i.e. ETO/EROs, Electricians and Engineers.
It is essential that skills acquired through DP training are maintained. This consideration introduces the need for refresher training. The maintenance of these skills may be assured by:
• continuous regular performance of DP operations; or
• frequent regular training and practice of DP skills; or
• formal refresher training.
8.6 – DP Logbooks
Personal logbooks for the maintenance of records of DP work carried out are issued by the Nautical Institute and IMCA.
The N.I. logbooks are specifically designed for the use of DPOs and bridge watchkeeping officers during the operator’s training programme. Space is provided to record details of vessels served upon, tasks engaged upon and relevant DP experience. Entries are signed by the Master, and a record of sea-time is kept. Space is also provided to verify attendance at the shore-based courses comprising phases 1 and 3 of the training scheme. After the training scheme is complete, a testimonial or assessment is provided by the Master to verify the suitability of the officer concerned to carry out DP operations and keep a bridge DP watch. It is on the strength of evidence contained within this logbook that individual DPO certificates are issued by the Nautical Institute.
IMCA logbooks (and the earlier DPVOA logbooks) are intended to be used by all key DP personnel, not only bridge DP watchkeeping officers. IMCA logbooks are intended as a continuous record of DP service and would normally commence after DP training was complete. A page is provided to show details of training courses attended.
1. Introduction to DP
2. Basic Principles of DP
3. Elements of a DP System
4. Position Reference Systems and Equipment
5. DP Operations
6. DP Vessel Operations
7. Information for key DP personnel
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