
    A Student

    • DPT Offshore Marine can email LearnToDrill for registiration
    • Students can email LearnToDrill for registiration while keeping DPT Offshore’s representetive in CC
    • Students can mention DPT Offshore Marine in their email to claim a %10 discount.

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    LearnToDrill Email ””

    A Group of Students


    A group of students (more than 5 students) can mention DPT Offshore Marine in their email to claim a negotiable discount.

    More detail please contact with DPT Offshore Marine 

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    1- IADC Rig Pass with SafeGulf

    Every module of our IADC RigPass with SafeGulf course taught online with powerful multimedia. Learn at your own pace with our online RigPass course! 

    Fastest way to get your IADC RigPass cert from home

    Get certified 100% online
    IADC RigPass with SafeGulf

    We’re certified by The IADC – click here to see on the IADC’s website.

    2- IADC Well Control Awareness

    Our Well Control Awareness course is designed for non-technical personnel involved in the drilling process. If you’re new to the oilfield or just need a basic understanding, this 4-hour course is perfect for you.

    Like all LearnToDrill courses, the course is accessible on smartphones and tablets, includes powerful downhole animations, and is very interactive. This course is IADC accredited for Well Control Awareness.

    Receive an IADC certificate of accreditation

    Receive a certificate of competency in Well Control from the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC). Available to print or email immediately after course completion.

    Mobile Simulator included with course

    Take a LearnToDrill well control course, and we’ll include our refresher Well Control Simulator. Our simulator has been launched globally by Chevron, and it’s a great way to get hands-on practice and prepare for higher well control levels.   

    300+ 3D, Downhole Animations

    300+ Downhole and equipment animations to teach every important Well Control concept! Visualize complex effects, “play” with drilling equipment, and learn through well control calculations and interactive lessons.

    3- IADC Drilling Well Control Introductory

    IADC WellSharp Intro Drilling

    This IADC Accredited introductory course is intended for any drilling personnel interested in understanding the basics of drilling and well control. The course is designed for the IADC WellSharp Introductory curriculum, and students will receive an IADC certificate. 

    4- IWCF Drilling Well Control Level 2

    IWCF Level 2 Training

    This online IWCF Level 2 Drilling Well Control and Well Intervention Pressure Control course is intended for any drilling personnel interested in understanding the basics of drilling and well control. The course is designed for the IWCF Level 2 Introductory curriculum, and students will receive an IWCF certificate. 

    The price below includes just access to the online course. To get an IWCF certificate, you must take a in-person proctored exam at an IWCF center. You can contact an IWCF center near you to schedule the exam after you complete the online course. 

    5- IADC Well Servicing Well Control Introductory

    IADC Intro Well Servicing

    This IADC Accredited introductory course is intended for any well servicing personnel interested in understanding the basics of well completions, wireline, coiled tubing, and snubbing. The course delves into the fundamentals of Well Servicing operations with a focus on pressures, equipment, and key procedures.

    Let’s Pick a Plan …

    A Student

    • DPT Offshore Marine can email LearnToDrill for registiration
    • Students can email LearnToDrill for registiration while keeping DPT Offshore’s representetive in CC
    • Students can mention DPT Offshore Marine in their email to claim a %10 discount.

    DPT Offshore Marine Representetive Email ””

    LearnToDrill Email ””

    A Group of Students

    A group of students (more than 5 students) can mention DPT Offshore Marine in their email to claim a negotiable discount.

    More detail please contact with DPT Offshore Marine 

    DPT Offshore Marine Representetive Email ””

    LearnToDrill Email ””

    A Student

    • DPT Offshore Marine can email LearnToDrill for registiration
    • Students can email LearnToDrill for registiration while keeping DPT Offshore’s representetive in CC
    • Students can mention DPT Offshore Marine in their email to claim a %10 discount.

    DPT Offshore Marine Email ””

    LearnToDrill Email ””

    A Group of Students


    A group of students (more than 5 students) can mention DPT Offshore Marine in their email to claim a negotiable discount.

    More detail please contact with DPT Offshore Marine 

    Email ””

    LearnToDrill Email ””

    100% No-Risk Guarantee

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