A Student
- DPT Offshore Marine can email LearnToDrill for registiration
- Students can email LearnToDrill for registiration while keeping DPT Offshore’s representetive in CC
- Students can mention DPT Offshore Marine in their email to claim a %10 discount.
DPT Offshore Marine Email ”info@dynpostraining.com”
LearnToDrill Email ”info@learntodrill.com”
A Group of Students
A group of students (more than 5 students) can mention DPT Offshore Marine in their email to claim a negotiable discount.
More detail please contact with DPT Offshore Marine
Email ”info@dynpostraining.com”
LearnToDrill Email ”info@learntodrill.com”
1-Well Control Preparation Course (IADC/IWCF)

2- Well Control Simulator – Chevron
This online class meets all standards of the previously approved IADC WellCap Well Control program. However, the IADC has stopped certifying this class. If you take this course, you will receive a LearnToDrill certificate, not an IADC certificate.
If you are a Chevron employee, please purchase this course to get access to the Well Control Simulator for 1 year. You can access the simulator offline on your iPad or iPhone or online on your PC or Mac.
The simulator lets you go through Driller’s Method, Wait and Weight Method, and Bullheading all according to IADC regulations. Prep for your Well Control course, pass your WellSharp exam, and stay competent in the field!

3- Causes of Kicks

4- Pressure Control Calculations

5- Kick Detection

6- Procedures
7- Gas Behavior

8- Constant Bottomhole Pressure Methods

9- Special Topics & Complications

10- Drilling Fluids

11- Barriers
12- Surface Equipment

13- Subsea Pressure Control

14- Pressure Control for Workover/Completion Operations

15- Coiled Tubing

16- Snubbing

17- Wireline

Let’s Pick a Plan …
A Student
- DPT Offshore Marine can email LearnToDrill for registiration
- Students can email LearnToDrill for registiration while keeping DPT Offshore’s representetive in CC
- Students can mention DPT Offshore Marine in their email to claim a %10 discount.
DPT Offshore Marine Representetive Email ”info@dynpostraining.com”
LearnToDrill Email ”info@learntodrill.com”
A Group of Students
A group of students (more than 5 students) can mention DPT Offshore Marine in their email to claim a negotiable discount.
More detail please contact with DPT Offshore Marine
DPT Offshore Marine Representetive Email ”info@dynpostraining.com”
LearnToDrill Email ”info@learntodrill.com”
A Student
- DPT Offshore Marine can email LearnToDrill for registiration
- Students can email LearnToDrill for registiration while keeping DPT Offshore’s representetive in CC
- Students can mention DPT Offshore Marine in their email to claim a %10 discount.
DPT Offshore Marine Email ”info@dynpostraining.com”
LearnToDrill Email ”info@learntodrill.com”
A Group of Students
A group of students (more than 5 students) can mention DPT Offshore Marine in their email to claim a negotiable discount.
More detail please contact with DPT Offshore Marine
Email ”info@dynpostraining.com”
LearnToDrill Email ”info@learntodrill.com”
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