Offshore – Full Crew Vacancy for PSVs – Apply for a Job – in Türkiye

    Job Type: Full Time
    Job Location: Türkiye

    PSV (Supply Vessel) Gemilerde istihdam edilmek üzere güverte ve makine departmanından aşağıdaki kadrolarda tecrübeli personel alımı yapılacaktır. İlgilenen arkadaşlar aşağıdaki formdan CV’lerini bırakarak, detaylar için 0 549 727 28 44 no ile irtibata geçebilirler.

    Experienced personnel will be recruited from the deck and machinery department in the following positions to be employed on PSV Ships. If you are interested, drop your CVs and contact for details phone number +90 549 727 28 44.

    • Master (Unlimited DP Ticket)
    • Chief Mate / SDPO (Unlimited DP Ticket)
    • 2. Mate (Unlimited DP Ticket)
    • Chief Engineer
    • 2. Engineer
    • ETO
    • Bosun
    • A/B
    • Oiler


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